Facial surgery – for a balanced  facial profile

Facial Profile Enhancement

A variety of factors are responsible for a balanced facial profile. While the nasal profile and the cheekbones are the prime determinants in the midface, the chin is the major player in the lower face. A non-prominent chin can be associated with a constantly open mouth or protruding lips. For all corrections of the chin, your occlusion needs to be revised by your dentist in advance (i.e. how your teeth fit together).

If a correct occlusal situation is present, a positive, self-confident profile of the chin can be created with a chin implant. It is inserted through an invisible scar from the inside of the mouth between the lower lip and the teeth and can be performed under local anesthesia with or without some sedation. The few sutures in the mouth are resorbable. The position of the implant is maintained postoperatively with an external tape dressing for 1 week, which also helps to prevent hematoma collection.

Fat accumulations under the chin, which can camouflage an attractive chin contour, can be corrected with several different methods of liposuction or necklifting procedures.