Body Contouring – or beautiful body contours

Body contour surgery

Most plastic surgical procedures that alter the shape and contour of the body are tissue excisions. Redundant skin and subcutaneous tissue and fat are excised and an aesthetically balanced and harmonious body contour is created. The incisions are placed in hidden skin folds or regions that are easily hidden by clothing as much as possible.

On the other hand, some patients would like to enhance some body regions: Most commonly, the buttocks and the female breast are augmented by silicone implants. However, volume, youthful shape and firmness can be improved by injection of fat cells, which have been removed in other areas of the body resulting in an effective body sculpturing. Hands and contracted scars may also be improved considerably in the aesthetical appearance, turgor and youthful volume by autologous fat injections (your own fat cells).

Upper Arm Lift

Sloppy, wing-like skin-fat flaps at the upper arms are a nuisance especially in the summer by constant skin to skin contact-related dermatitis, severe axillary sweating and the unsightly looks in summer wear. This can be corrected by a relatively easy and effective procedure combining liposuction and surgical excision of sloppy skin of the upper arm. The fine scars are well hidden in the axilla and on the inside of the upper arm. Compressive sleeves or shirts are recommended in larger reductions, but not always necessary in smaller corrections.

Tummy Tuck

In a small tummy tuck procedure (i.e. mini-abdominoplasty) only the fat and redundant skin below the belly button is excised. The belly button remains in its position or is slightly stretched inferiorly. Together with a small adaptive liposuction of the flanks (“love-handles”) a very natural and pleasing result can be achieved in many cases. The incision for a mini-abdominoplasty runs in a gentle curve directly above the mons pubis and is covered well in natural skin creases or swim- and underwear.

If there is more skin-fat surplus or if the abdominal wall is overstretched after massive weight loss or pregnancy (“striae”), a surgical tummy tuck is often the only alternative. In those cases, the sloppy skin and fat between belly button and pubic area are surgically excised. To improve the abdominal overall contour, a fascial tightening can be added to treat an overstretched muscular abdominal wall and to create an aesthetic waist.

The scar for a formal tummy tuck runs on the lower abdomen and is usually and well hidden in underwear and swimwear, but is longer than in a mini-abdominoplasty. The belly button is reinserted into the mobilized and tightened skin of the upper abdominal wall in its typical location. An attractive aesthetic appearance for the belly button is created through several operative details.

Postoperatively, a compressive garment should be worn for 6 weeks, which helps in reduction of postoperative edema and shaping of the new abdominal contour.

Thigh lift

Whereas lateral fat deposits at the hips („breeches“) can be very well addressed with liposuction only, the inner aspects of the thighs need to be examined in detail to determine the need for an additional surgical skin excision, as the skin is much thinner and does not retract as well as the outer thigh areas.

A thigh lift is often necessary after massive weight loss treating permanent irritation by the sloppy thigh tissue causing skin-skin-contact and dermatitis. A thigh lift can well be combined with other body shaping procedures. It is always performed as an inpatient stay. The incisions run along the crotch. In more extensive skin resections, an additional incision along the inner side of the thigh is necessary. Compressive garments like biker pants are always necessary after thigh contouring for 6 weeks.


After massive weight loss, which can be achieved through changes in diet, increased activity like sports and fitness training or through surgical interventions (so called bariatric procedures), the overstretched, “empty” skin does not fit to the musculoskeletal body contour anymore. The regions which are most commonly affected are the abdomen, buttocks, back and hips. Also the thighs are frequently sloppy after massive weight reduction. For each region, specialized skin resection procedures have been developed, which aim for cosmetically pleasing incision placement, volumetric reshaping of some body parts (i.e. buttocks) and resection of skin and fat folds. The frequency of skin irritations (intertrigo) are drastically reduced by these body lifting procedures. Quality of life often improves drastically postoperatively.

A bodylift is always performed as an inpatient for several days. Compressive garments, which are often individually tailored to your needs, are always necessary for at least 6 weeks.

If certain criteria are met (i.e. stability of body weight, body mass index, etc) the procedure is often reimbursed by your health insurance. Of course I help you in requesting the reimbursement plan together with your general practitioner and dietician. As for all plastic surgical procedures, nicotine abstinence is an absolute must for a bodylift to prevent wound healing disturbances.

In many massive weight loss cases also upper arms and the breasts in women are affected. Upper arm lifts and mastopexies (breast lifts) can be added to a body lift procedure to improve the overall contour as well. However, these operations are always performed separately and not simultaneously with the body lift.

Autologous Fat Injection (Lipostructuring)

If cosmetic volume replenishment is needed in some body parts and volume reduction in others, the fat cells which are removed by liposuction can be reinjected after purification. This injection of these autologous (your own) fat cells may be used to correct smaller asymmetries or volume deficiencies in other regions like buttocks or breasts.

Usually, only a certain percentage of the fat cells survive and integrate, so the procedure has to be completed with smaller amounts for 2-3 times in the majority of cases until the desired contour is achieved. These fine-tuning procedures are usually performed in intervals of 4-6 months. Finally, the surviving fat cells represent a permanent, vascularized and natural filler in your body.

Liposuction, purification and reinjection have to be performed in a very gentle way to maximize fat cell survival. Also cessation of smoking is necessary for at least 4 weeks after each procedure.