Body Contouring – or beautiful body contours

Labioplasty (Correction of the small labia)

Some women suffer from small labia (labia minora) that are either too long or too large, so they protrude from the contour of the labia majora and are visible to a large extent. Often this is combined with asymmetry with one labia being larger than the contralateral one. Most commonly, this is developmental, but pregnancy or other hormonal influences can result in size changes as well. Increasingly often, this is experienced as a bodily fault by many women, interfering with self-esteem and impairing sexual life.

Sometimes, protruding labia minora are considered as not youthful. Regularly, long and protruding labia minora create actual physical complaints of chronic skin irritations or pain while bicycling or when wearing certain clothing. As of all of the abovementioned reasons, operative reduction of the small labia can help to reestablish a healthy and undisturbed feeling of body integrity.

I used a special surgical technique described in the United States, where the redundant tissue is resected in a multilayered, angulated technique. This is in contrast to the simple resection of the free edge, which is unfortunately performed so often by many others but leaves behind a contract longitudinal scar that is often painful. In my technique, the free sensate edge is protected and has no disturbing scars, which could interfere during intercourse. Furthermore, asymmetries can be corrected very well with it and size, shape and color of these corrected labia minora are often youthful and aesthetically pleasing.

Of course, this sensitive topic is handled especially discreet and professionally in our informative conversations and presurgical discussions.