Facial surgery – for a balanced  facial profile

Facelift / Necklift

The facelift that consists of excision of redundant, lax skin at the forehead, face and neck regions and repositioning of soft tissues into a more youthful position is one of the classical procedures of aesthetic plastic surgery. A careful analysis of the structural changes of the soft tissues of the face and their underlying skeletal structures goes hand in hand with an open and realistic match of your expectations with the surgical results that may be achievable. At least two detailed and individual presurgical consultations are scheduled for this. A facelift aims for a rested, youthful appearance and definitely not in a tightened, mask-like expression.

There is a large palette of technical options to achieve this, which need to be chosen carefully. A facelift can be combined very well with other cosmetic operations, like an upper eyelid blepharoplasty or fat injections for more volume in hollow, atrophied regions. The neck typically is addressed as well, where horizontal and longitudinal skin folds or unsightly fat deposits at the chin need special plastic surgical attention.

Depending on the position of the eyebrows and the frontal hairline, the most comprehensive and harmonious effects can often be achieved with a forehead lift. In the latter procedure, those muscles can be weakened as well, which usually create horizontal frown lines or vertical “angry J´s” between the eyebrows. This obviates or reduces the need for Botox in these regions later in the long run.

With the technique I use for a forehead lift, I can specifically address both individual and gender-related differences of hairline and brow position. I intentionally refrain from the old-school styles of forehead-lifts with ultra-high-eyebrows that leave behind the old-fashioned “surprised look”.

Sometimes it is very reasonable to perform an isolated forehead lift in patients with severe brow ptosis, resulting in heavy lids and a tired look. In those patients one often finds severe forehead frown lines. Those “wrinkles” may not be corrected with a botulinum toxin injection, as this releases the compensatory forehead contractions and deteriorates the heavy feeling on the eyelids. An isolated forehead lift is especially useful in male patients with their thicker and heavier forehead skin together with an upper eyelid blepharoplasty to recreate a rested, open and youthful look.

All lifting procedures in the face and neck need considerable discipline and compliance from you as the patient. Postoperative rest, cooling and strict nicotine abandonment are essential for success and is rewarded with a shorter and easier recovery.

I am looking forward to our joint planning for your facial rejuvenation!